A traffic ticket is a legal citation issued by a officer to a driver for violating a traffic laws.

When your record is in jeopardy We can help you with you ticket:

  • Speeding
  • CDL Ticket / CMV
  • Fail to Maintain Safe Distance
  • Fail to Stop
  • Fail to Maintain Safe Distance
  • Suspended Driver’s License
  • Expired Registration
  • Fail to Signal
  • School Zone
  • All Other Violations


When you receive a citation, you have options.

Miss your court date, this will lead to a arrest warrant.

You can just admit guilt and pay the ticket.

Fight the ticket in court without a lawyer.

Let us handle you ticket for you.

No Court (Most Cases)

Ticket Dismissals

Reduced Fines

Keep a Clean Driving Record

No Insurance Increases

Do Not Plead Guilty or Pay Your Fine until you talk to a lawyer !

Did You Know?

The insurance companies will place surcharges on you policy for Traffic Tickets on your record which will  increase your insurance rates between $350-$1,200  per year for the next 3 year!

Don’t let that happen to you.

Let me be your Traffic Ticket Lawyer.

4-Easy Step Process:

It starts with just 1 phone call. Send us a pictures, the ticket, & your drivers license.

Review the quote, sign agreement, submit payment.

Relax, knowing we are work hard to get you case resolved.

Reasons to Fight Your Ticket

Pleading Guilty or No Contest to your moving violation almost always results with Texas DPS putting it on your record, negatively affecting your insurance rates and license. Such as:

  • Causing your insurance premium to go up an additional $350-$1,200 per year.
  • You might end up paying hundreds or thousands of dollars in surcharges.
  • A suspended driver’s license.
  • Paying a large fine and having the traffic ticket appear on your driving record.

A ticket is a serious matter, it can affect your whole life. Your legal right to drive is important: It can mean the difference between a job, getting to a doctor, being with family and friends. Without the mobility of being allowed to get where you need to go, you are literally a prisoner, a captive in your home. Especially so in Texas which is spread out, and accessible in many cases only be car.  We know this and we take these matters very seriously.

Hiring The Right Attorney For One Traffic Ticket Can Make A Difference For Years In Your Driving Record And Insurance!!